Brossard vets
17 Dec

Last week the Brossard Vets came out on the losing end of a 5-4 shootout. This week they managed to return the favour to Atacama– although much to their captain’s chagrin.

“Right now we have to play better defensively. We are lacking in that aspect,” admits Claudio Pellegrini, who will gladly take the 5-4 win over Atacama anyway. “Once we start playing better defensively I think we will be able to move up in the standings.”

The win follows a string of high-profile losses to Andrew Cool and FC Selectcom Juve, two of the three teams the Brossard Vets are currently chasing in the congested 35+ Division.

POTG: Pellegrino singles out his new keeper Brian Harvey, not even three months fresh from Arizona, as being key to the team’s success this week.

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