(fa) pink ladies (plyoffs)
08 oct.

Some championships can become as predictable as your favourite Seinfeld rerun. Not that there’s anything wring with that.

Sure, there might have been a moment, as FC Fireball forced overtime in the dying minutes of Tuesday’s FA final, where it felt like the Pink Ladies might not walk away with it this time around. But the Ladies prevailed 3-2, punching yet another notch on a brilliantly decorated playoff belt. And proving that the world just keeps on spinning.

It was much of the same in the FB2, where the undefeated Gladiators FC just steamrolled past RDJOU 6-0 to capture their first ever championship, as well as in the FC, where heavy favourites FC Azzurra came out the winning end of a seismic shootout against Warriors.

Only the Bulldogs – no strangers to making the big times – seemed to catch the playoff panel off guard (Mika notwithstanding) with a 5-1 victory over Rosso FC in the FB finals.

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