23 nov.

Much like cunning soccer snowbirds, AC Pirates have been flocking between summers in their native Ste-Anne-des-Plaines and winters in Totalcampo, hoping to regain the glory gained when they were crowned Rosemere champs back in 2011.

But if you’re picturing a set of washed up retirees, prepare to be sorely disappointed.

Most are just entering their thirties, even as they’ve spent more than half their lives playing together. It’s the kind of longevity that would make anyone feel invincible.

“We don’t really worry about any one team because we can beat every last one of them,” declares long time captain Simon Allard. “The score lines are tight and every match is hotly contested. That’s why we believe we’ll be going deep into the playoffs.”

And still les Pirates continue to evolve. Cat-like keeper Jean-Philippe Leclair has re-joined the team, as have Stefano Luciani and Sacha Bernier; the former an experienced and calming defensive sage, the latter a big-body presence who’s made it all that much easier to win those offensive air battles. Not to mention the return of lead striker Xavier Therrien-Télasco, back from a complete ACL tear suffered last winter, another pirate come back to claim what is rightfully his.

“He’s been a huge part of our early success. He has the ability to surprise opposing keepers no matter where he is on the pitch, which makes him extremely dangerous.”

Have a good soccer story, pic or video to share with us this winter? You can email me, fire off a Tweet or simply follow us on Facebook and Instagram.